Tag: Tea Party

stephen colbert obamacare

Stephen Colbert Mocks Tea Party Protest Agenda

Members of the Tea Party group Freedom Works may not be flattered about the attention they received on Monday's episode of the Colbert Report...
Richard Cash - Replace Lindsey Graham

Richard Cash Courts Tea Party To Oust Senator Lindsey Graham

But, by embracing the Tea Party and their values, he might get more than he bargained for ... and wind up far worse off when election day rolls around.
Tea party thinks having AIDS is a good thing

How Having HIV/AIDS Is A Good Thing, According To The Tea...

Well look what the land of sexual deviancy has brought us; not only a deadly disease, but mandatory testing. This is what is now being...

Can This Woman Unseat Mitch McConnell?

Early this year, Democrats thought they had the key to unseating Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in the 2014 election. Her name was Ashley...

North Carolina’s Unemployed Are On The Ropes

Republican leaders left North Carolina's unemployed to twist in the wind after rejecting federal jobless benefits and enacting draconian cuts.

Tea Party Kook Michele Bachmann We Are ‘Losing Badly’

Shocking news out of Washington today: The Tea Party is losing badly, according to tea party kook?Michele Bachmann and her Tea Party comrades Louis...

Virginia Gun Rights Advocates Shoot Themselves In The Foot OP-ED

  Collecting data on innocent citizens for no actual reason is one thing, but collecting data on concealed carry owners because you want them to...

Gov. Jan Brewer Takes On GOP Lawmakers To Force Passage Of...

Arizona's conservative GOP lawmakers are getting a taste of their own medicine as fellow-bully, Governor Jan Brewer, flexes her muscles in their direction for...

The United States of Koch: How The Koch Family Bought Our...

  There are many conspiracy theories out there. It seems that there's a conspiracy theory for every tragedy this country experiences, and even some for...