Tag: United States

The Most Dangerous Places For Women In The USA

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence recently used data from the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Census Bureau to highlight which states...

Trading Spaces: 10 Reasons Why Rednecks Should Secede From The United...

After reading about a newspaper in Mississippi that won't allow gay marriage announcements, I have to say I am beyond fed up with redneck...

Memorial Day: Honor the Fallen, Not the Living

What are you doing on Monday, May 25, at 3 p.m.? For many, the world will continue to move, just as it did a...

An American’s Take on Ireland Legalizing Same-sex Marriage

On Friday, May 22, 2015, a referendum was held in the Republic of Ireland on the topic of same-sex marriage.?The next day?same-sex marriage was...

Deals With Extremists Are Not The Way To Do Business

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25 Reasons Why I Never Vote For Republicans

There are many reasons not to vote Republican. We could make lists of reasons not to vote Republicans in politics. Here's my 25 reasons...

Making Netanyahu Uncomfortable

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ISIS Killer, ‘Jihadi John,’ Has Been Identified

The man in the mask who has been on video beheading captives speaking with a British accent has been a mystery to many, but...

Are Liberals Too Boring To Win Elections?

As a Bleeding Heart Libertarian (Left-Libertarian, Liberal Libertarian) Canadian born on the West Coast, I have been inundated with predominantly conservative policies in a...

Claytoonz: I Want YOU

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hobby lobby

Dear GOP: It’s Against My Religion For My Tax $$ To...

Recently, a ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States has led to Hobby Lobby denying four types of birth control to their...

Conservative Christians Prove One Truth: The World Is Getting Weirder

For Evangelical Christians like Reverend Franklin Graham, Russian Federation President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is morally superior to President of the United States Barack Obama...
America is becoming more liberal

10 Facts That Show America Is Becoming More Liberal (VIDEO)

A?subtle shift has been steadily occurring in our country. Judging from the panic of high-profile Republicans, and from that of my own Republican friends,...

Cory Booker’s Win A Win For Diversity

President Barack Obama is the most famous former U.S. Senator of color in American history. The esteemed career of Obama, which climaxed with his...

Sens. Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell Close To Deal To Avert Default...

With mounting Doomsday predictions, the possibility of the United States failing to pay its bills for the first time in history, may be averted....

Holy Fukushima – Is Your Drinking Water Safe From Japanese Radiation?

Take the information and the reports as sceptically as you like, but when it comes to your drinking water are you willing to take the risk with Fukushima?

Botched U.S. Search For Snowden Brings 3 Asylum Offers From Angry...

This week's diplomatic dispute between the U.S. and Latin America?has worked out well--for whistleblower Edward Snowden. The administration's heavy-handed approach to searching for Snowden resulted...


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