The black-hearted dragon named Blackburn has once again reared her foul ugly head, but instead of breathing fire, she has again spewed her lies to the town peasants she controls. After insisting only the day before that House Republicans had no intention of shutting down the government, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) appeared on Fox News Tuesday morning to express her glee at the success of a government shutdown.
Just hours after the House failed to pass a resolution for 6 more weeks, Blackburn giggled that the shutdown of the government would force Americans to realize how little of the government is actually needed in their lives:
“You know, I think you may see a partial shutdown for several days, but people are probably going to realize they can live with a lot less government than what they thought they needed.”
Tennessee Democratic Party Chairman Roy Herron, later responded to Blackburn and another Tennessee Republican, Rep. Scott DesJarlais, in a press statement:
“Congressional Republicans are cutting off the pay of almost a million U.S. workers, but continue to pay the least productive, most wasteful, least efficient and highly paid federal workers ? themselves. Because congressional Republicans refuse to do their work, federal workers cannot do our work.”
In spite of her apparent ecstatic behavior during her appearance on Fox & Friends, Blackburn didn’t miss a beat in shifting the blame over the government shutdown to President Obama and Democrats for failing to negotiate on House Republican terms.
According to Blackburn:
“They wanted a government shutdown. They feel it gives them a political advantage. And we continue to say will you please work with us because the American people didn’t want a shutdown. They don’t want Obamacare.”
It was only one day ago that Blackburn railed in favor of negotiating to avoid a government shutdown. During a Public Broadcasting Service interview, she spoke extensively in general terms of the ObamaCare “bill,” not “law,” stating that House Republicans had given Senators an opportunity to meet their terms through various bills, and claimed that “this is not fair.”
“We have all sorts of bills that would deal with repositioning and reworking different sections of us — of the bill. We’re simply inviting once again Harry Reid and the president to work with us on this, so that we keep the government open and we address the concerns that the American people have about ObamaCare and the impact that it’s having on jobs. […]All of this is not fair. It is time to address this as fairness. It is time for them to work with us to keep the government open and to make certain that we do the right thing for the American people.“
When asked if this was yet another attempt to kill the health care law, Blackburn responded:
“I have to tell you, I find such language to be very sad and very inappropriate for the issues and the severity of the issues that are facing our country. I am every single day talking with and working with people in my district who are seeing their health care insurance costs go up five times, 105 percent, 300 percent, that are getting pay cuts, that are losing 40-hour workweeks, that are having to work two and three jobs.”
Sometime after her Fox appearance Tuesday, Blackburn tweeted this little gem:
There is some good news out of the shutdown, the EPA can’t issue new regulations.
? Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) October 1, 2013
The response from the public regarding that tweet was…somewhat less than friendly.
Whatever delusions Blackburn has over the government shutdown somehow benefiting “her people,” she seems completely unaware of what her people actually want. According to a recent poll by Quinnipiac University released Tuesday, American voters oppose 72 – 22 percent Congress shutting down the federal government to block implementation of the Affordable Care Act, or ObamaCare. Voters also oppose 64 – 27 percent blocking an increase in the nation’s debt ceiling as a way to stop ObamaCare. American voters are opposed 58 – 34 percent to Congress cutting off funding for the health care law to stop its implementation.?American voters disapprove 74 – 17 percent of the job Republicans in Congress are doing, their lowest score ever.
Knowing all of that, who are the “thousands of people” and ‘hundreds of businesses” that Blackburn claims she has talked to?? It certainly isn’t the American voters.
If you would like to contact Rep. Marsha Blackburn concerning her comments or actions and allow your voice to be heard, you may do so through one of her offices.
Washington Office:
217?Cannon Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
202-225-3004 fax
Clarksville Office:
128 North 2nd Street
Suite 202
Clarksville, TN 37040
931-503-0393 fax
Franklin Office:
305 Public Square
Suite 212
Franklin, TN 37064
615-599-2916 fax