Rep. Steve King — Jeffrey Dahmer Didn’t Do Nearly As Much Damage As Edward Snowden


Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has once again given us a glimpse into the bizarre fantasy land that is his mind and his irrational thinking. At a Breitbart National Security Action Summit in March, he compared NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to notorious serial killer?Jeffrey Dahmer. King’s opinion is that?Snowden is a far worse person that Jeffrey Dahmer ever thought about being. As a reminder, Dahmer raped and murdered 17 people over the course of a decade. After murdering his victims, he ate them.

From the video:

“I think that Snowden has done more damage to America than anybody I can think of in history. It was not an altruistic move that I can see and speculate, but I will tell you this that I have learned in my time in public life. Whatever his rationalization was, I have learned that human beings have an infinite capacity to self-rationalize. Whatever they decide to do, they can figure out how to tell you that it’s true and right and just.”

And in conclusion, the whammy:

“I would take it so far as to say that probably Jeffrey Dahmer analyzed in a similar way. He didn’t do nearly as much damage as Snowden did.”

Watch the video at Buzzfeed.


Tiffany Willis is the founder and editor-in-chief of Liberal America. An unapologetic member of the Christian Left, she has spent most of her career actively working with ?the least of these? and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. She’s passionate about their struggles. To stay on top of topics she discusses,?subscribe to her public updates on Facebook,?follow her on Twitter, or?connect with her via LinkedIn. She also have a?grossly neglected personal blog?and a?literary quotes blog that is a labor of love. Find her somewhere and join the discussion.

I had a successful career actively working with at-risk youth, people struggling with poverty and unemployment, and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. In 2011, I made the decision to pursue my dreams and become a full-time writer. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.