Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who has illegally allowed his cattle to graze on federal land for almost two decades, has guts if nothing else. According to CBS News, Bundy wants to know if Bureau of Land Management agents damaged any of the cattle they rounded up on Saturday as part of its effort to enforce a court order to remove his livestock from federal land.
The BLM initially rounded up 400 head of cattle before releasing them rather than risk a violent confrontation with hundreds of militiamen who had flocked to Bundy’s ranch in rural Clark County. However, BLM director Neil Kornze fully intends to take Bundy back to court to collect over a million dollars in back grazing fees.
Whether Bundy actually has the guts to bill the government for damaging the cattle remains to be seen. But if he does, it can safely be assumed that the velocity with which such a request will be tossed out will create quite the breeze.
Darrell Lucus is a radical-lefty Jesus lover with several passions–the Lord, the Tar Heels, the Phillies, and fighting for lasting change. Follow him on Twitter @DarrellLucus.
Published/Edited by: WG