Counterfeit Christianity Is This Nation’s Greatest Problem According To John Hagee


Counterfeit Christianity, that is how Pastor John Hagee summed up what he believes to be ?Our greatest problem in this nation? this past Sunday. Oh Mr. Hagee, if it were only that simple.

With the right wing continuously rallying around the fear based belief that there is a war on Christianity in America, Mr. Hagee took to the television spotlight to also take a shot at President Obama. In his sermon he said:

?Those of you who got on national television and endorsed homosexual lifestyle, because the President did so, you are a counterfeit Christian. You are a moral coward. You are a hireling shepherd. Shame on you.?

Mr. Hagee is no doubt referring to President Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage in 2012. Either way, those are some pretty strong words towards his fellow Christians.

Also in his sermon, the Pastor went on to say:

?Our only drive for the last forty years, to purge Christianity from the public square, to get God out of schools, to get him out of public life. This will prove suicidal for America.?

What is with the fear tactics Mr. Hagee? Purging Christianity being our ?only drive? seems to be a rather inflammatory statement. As far as the ?public square? is concerned, the war seems to be failing if we are to go buy some of today’s political rulings and positions that are surely dictated by some kind of religious influence.

And for the claim of taking God out of schools, that’s just not true. Children of all faiths have the right to pray whenever they choose in public schools. As long as it does not disrupt or interfere with others. Could it be you just have a problem with the rights of prayer by other faiths?

It’s sermons and broadcasts like this that continue to divide, and create fear and animosity towards others. With national radio and television that airs his message 24-hours a day, seven days a week, it seems that Mr. Hagee and his narrow minded world view may be a bigger problem to this nation.

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I had a successful career actively working with at-risk youth, people struggling with poverty and unemployment, and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. In 2011, I made the decision to pursue my dreams and become a full-time writer. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.