Jim Hagedorn is a familiar name in conservative blogging circles. As the owner of Mr. Conservative, he’s gained quite a following. His blog is one of the top 5,000 websites in the U.S., according to Alexa, and with a Facebook following of 1.4 million people, Hagedorn is reaching a lot of conservatives.?Hagedorn is stepping out of the blogosphere these days to try to unseat Minnesota Democrat U.S. Rep. Tim Walz.
Hagedorn’s?impressive internet numbers won’t help him in his quest to unseat U.S. Rep. Tim Walz, a?four-term incumbent,?if Hagedorn?doesn’t learn to filter his asinine comments. He’s grabbing headlines this week by referring to Democratic Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray as “undeserving bimbos in tennis shoes.”
Hagedorn isn’t new to insulting women. From Mother Jones:
Former Bush White House counsel Harriet Miers, he wrote in 2005, had been nominated “to fill the bra of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.”
He even goes after conservative female politicians in a way that’s hardly flattering and was one of the first to call Sarah Palin “Caribou Barbie.” He added this gem to thank Sen. John McCain for giving Palin a platform:
“Which reminds me, on behalf of all red-blooded American men: THANK YOU SENATOR McCAIN, SARAH’S HOT!”
Hagedorn’s blog is essentially the National Enquirer of conservative blogging. No offense to the National Enquirer. His old blog posts raised eyebrows, and though he deleted many of them when he first made a grab for Walz’s seat in 2010 (coward), you can still find them at the Internet Archive.?Nice try, Hagedorn. Here’s the fabulous part: he was an official of the Treasury Department at the peak of his controversial blogging.
Some of the best:
“Turns out half-aunt Zeituni is an illegal alien from Kenya who has illegally contributed money to her half-nephew’s campaign, which should make Americans half-pi$$ed,” he wrote in a typical missive during the 2008 election cycle. “The migration from Barack Obama’s second country to the United States during the next four years is going to look like a low-budget remake of Eddie Murphy’s hit comedy ‘Coming to America.'”
He doesn’t just take stabs at Pres. Obama, however. He’s been insulting Native Americans for years, at one point calling them “thankless Indians.” Here is what he said about Native Americans:
“The race has been highlighted by a Democrat drive to register voters in several of several of South Dakota’s expansive redistribution of wealth centers?err?casino parlors?err?Indian reservations. Remarkably, many of the voters registered for absentee ballots were found to be chiefs and squaws who had returned to the spirit world many moons ago.”
He added, for good measure:
“John Wayne’s wisdom of the only good Indian being a dead Indian.”
To top it all off, he’s a?raging homophobe and goes after gay politicians; he called Wisconsin Sen. Herb Kohl a “packer.
I’m pretty sure, with this kind of behavior, we can expect the illustrious Mr. Conservative to continue producing half-rate content for years to come.
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Tiffany Willis is the founder and editor-in-chief of Liberal America. An unapologetic member of the Christian Left, she has spent most of her career actively working with ?the least of these? and disadvantaged and oppressed populations. She’s passionate about their struggles. To stay on top of topics she discusses,?like her?Facebook page,?follow her on Twitter, or?connect with her via LinkedIn. She also has?a?grossly neglected personal blog?and a?literary quotes blog that is a labor of love. Find her somewhere and join the discussion.