Gordon Klingenschmitt (R-CO) is without a doubt a very interesting man — that is if you find vitriolic hate speech supposedly sanctioned by god — interesting. Klingenschmitt or “Dr Chaps,” as to he refers himself,?is a former Navy chaplin and televangelist who broadcasts for the program Pray In Jesus Name.

Klingenschmitt is no stranger to controversy, as can be noted in the videos?ObamaCare Causes Cancer?and Gays Recruiting Kids.?Klingenschmitt’s quotes prove that liberals?need to keep a steady eye on his every word — ?especially when he enters the House floor.

Without further ado – I give you Gordon Klingenschmitt.

1. “If the Bible will not give eternal benefits to homosexuals, if they cannot inherit the kingdom of God, why,” Klingenschmitt asked, “on this world, should they get bonus pay or employment benefits?”

2. “Even as they are now pointing to God and praising God for that victory, something terrible happens; there’s a demonic spirit now that referees, and the officials, and they say “Oh did you see that? He just referred to God. We need to stop that and we need to disqualify them!” And they’re punished for their righteousness by the demonic spirit that’s inside the referees.”

3. “Ive heard about cases when people repented of pornography and were healed of liver cancer.”

4.”If you get three women and a dog together and they all mate together?they’re?not gonna have a baby”

5.”And I want you to notice that one of them, one of the men almost has his tongue hanging out like he’s licking his chops. Like “this baby is ours now.” And that’s fine. You may call that love. But it looks to me a little bit like lust. And when they crave to bring the children of heterosexual couples through adoption into their homes, so that they can raise them in the homosexual lifestyle. And studies now show, that up to 20% kids raised by gay couples become gay themselves. It is a recruiting tool. And it is a child abuse tool.

6.”Sodomy will always be a sin with god, even if its legal in Massachusetts.”

7.”The marketing of homosexuality has an agenda, and that is to repopulate their population by recruiting the children of homosexuals.

8.”it is possible for the devil to inhabit animals the same way he inhabits humans and that causes a sin of lust.”

9.”Mr Obama you’re?not a healing Jesus, you cause cancer with your bad policies.”

10.”American law needs to reflect gods law.”

11.?You know what, citizens? If you don’t have a gun — I’m telling you as a Christian chaplain – sell your clothes, and buy a gun. It’s time! The government persecution will be coming against you, and you needs to arm yourselves??”

12.”But homosexuality is a combat divider, dividing one’s reason to live while taking breaks on the combat field to change diapers all because their treacherous sin causes them to lose control of their bowels.”

13.”The ultimate hate speech is to endorse homosexuality.?

14.”[Wendy Davis is] ruled by a demon of murder.”

15.”We pray against the domestic enemies of the Constitution, against this demon of tyranny who is using the White House occupant. That demonic spirit is oppressing us.?

16.?An atheist chaplain would be the perfect vehicle for?convincing wounded warriors that they should end their lives?because there’s nothing in the future and there’s nothing now, so why not just save money and?kill themselves.?

Republicans have condemned the vitriolic speech of Rep. Klingenschmitt, however we all know the power these extremists hold over the moderates of the party (?Ted Cruz?Mike Lee),?so it will be seen as to how much of Klingschmitt’s influence reaches Congress.

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