Adding a little more fuel to the tank in his political drive toward the presidency, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush has resigned from both his corporate and nonprofit board positions.
The news comes via the Washington Post, Wednesday, which cites a statement one Bush aide emailed the Post late in the day New Year’s Eve, which states that the former governor of Florida resigned from his position at his education foundation, the Foundation for Excellence in Education, as well.
According to the statement emailed to the Post by the Bush aide, J.B. is still considering what his next move should be regarding the various businesses of which he is the owner, or principal partner, one of which even bears his name ? the consulting firm Jeb Bush & Associates.
True as all this may be, it should be noted, however, that Reuters was unable to independently verify the Post’s report as Bush’s representatives were not available for confirmation after news broke, most likely due to the holiday.
More than likely, however, as most would expect, the Post’s report is absolutely true, as the report follows only days after Jeb Bush announced his stepping down from the real estate investment board of Rayonier Inc. Bush also claims there is no inner turmoil at the company between himself and Rayonier, so it seems much more likely a strategic move in preparing a presidential run.
It’s no secret, after all, that the son and brother of former presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, has been considering a presidential run, and being that he served as governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007, he certainly has the political background and connections to do it. Not to mention the 61-year-old member of what is often referred to as the ?Bush Dynasty? stated Dec. 16 that he was ?actively exploring a run for the U.S. presidency in 2016.?
Bush is also looking into forming a political action committee this January as a means of testing the waters of financial support for such a run.
It appears there is little doubt, so long as the money proves to show itself, that the United States will be looking down the barrel of another potential Bush presidency.
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H/T: Huffington Post | Featured image: Flickr
Dylan Hock is a poet, novelist, professor and social activist. He is published in a number of little magazines and has an essay on the muzzling of Ezra Pound included in the anthology Star Power: The Impact of Branded Celebrity. Currently, he also writes and edits for If You Only News, Addicting Info, and Reverb Press. Follow him on Ello, Google+, LinkedIn, RebelMouse and Goodreads.