Our favorite crazy pastor is BACK! Harlem Pastor James Manning is now calling for the return of stoning (as in, throwing rocks at people) and is specifically suggesting that we stone “the homos.” After all, he claims, “stoning is still the law.” See the image below from his church’s billboard.

Joe My God

From Joe My God:

Last month Harlem Pastor James Manning earned national headlines when he posted a billboard declaring that President Obama has “released homo demons on the black man.” Today Manning upped the Christian Love? with the above sign.? According to Manning’s YouTube clip posted this morning, Christians who refuse to stone homosexuals to death are “advocating lawlessness.” He goes on: “Stoning of the homos is now in order. Stoning is still the law.” We’ll stand by for Christian leaders to denounce Pastor Manning, but don’t hold your breath – there was nothing but silence last month.

Pastor Manning loves to use his church’s billboard for shocking people. He did this one last month:

Joe My God

Incidentally, this is how stoning is done. A person is buried in a hole except for his head and people throw rocks at him. Very Christian-like, this practice. No, I do NOT think Jesus would approve.

Flickr via EveryStockPhoto

h/t Joe My God via Christian Nightmares


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