Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said last week that he has no regrets about signing the now legendary letter from Republicans?to leaders in Iran warning that Congress would overrule a?deal between the U.S. and Iran. How the heck did we miss this????


Here’s what the Tea Party Boy Wonder said:

“I would sign it and, as John Hancock said, I would sign it in large print so the ayatollah wouldn’t need his reading glasses,” Cruz said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” when asked if he would still sign the letter if given a second chance.

“I think this deal that is being negotiated by the Obama administration is both profoundly dangerous both to the security of our ally, Israel, but also to American national security,” Cruz said.

Republicans wrote a letter?to Iranian leaders to attempt to belittle Pres. Obama over?American negotiations with Iran.?The president is working with Iran to try to put a stop to their nuclear program.

Cruz and?46 of his Senate?cronies thought this was a fabulous idea.

“It was intended to stop a bad deal, absolutely.”

Before you know it, Ted Cruz will have his ignorant base convinced that he’s actually a Founding Father.


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