White American Evangelicals Continue Infect Africa With Their Hate

It’s hard to imagine this but white evangelicals and black liberation supporters have a common agenda, or rather — in their words — a common enemy: homosexuality.

For many years white evangelicals have poured millions of dollars into Uganda, which is an 85 percent Christian country. Many black liberation movements have also started to focus on homosexuality as a degenerative disease used by whites to destroy black people. The irony is both disturbing and sad. Uganda is an interesting nexus between these two very different ideologies.


Blaming homosexuality for the problems of today is a fallacy; it’s based on finding a scapegoat to unite behind sacrificing. Uganda has been under assault from white evangelicals and politicians who have pushed an anti-gay agenda; their prime minister has admitted this on camera. The assault has distracted them from their real enemy, making them focus on homosexual; who have lived among their people since the beginning of time.

They beat and rape a black woman if she is believed to be a homosexual; they beat or even kill a black male.?This is encouraged by white evangelical Christians and black power movements. Openly promoting this bigotry and hatred is something they can’t do in America, so they promote it in Africa.

I’m going to tell you what I think is the number one disease in the black community, and statistically, most readers won’t agree with me.

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The number one problem for blacks isn’t aids, it isn’t homosexuality, it isn’t interracial relationships?–?which yes I am in one by the way. I think that Christianity has become the #1 disease among blacks, with Islam a close second.

Christianity is a religion that was forced on us by whites, and if you asked most black Christians to identify a picture of Jesus Christ, they will probably pick white Jesus. Making another race believe that their God is white is the ultimate pimp game.

They have conditioned blacks to worship fear, greed, and ignorance. We are taught to fear of an afterlife in hell. We are taught to covet rewards in this life and the afterlife for our obedience; like a dog who awaits a treat from its master. We are also told not to question. Once you teach any people not to question certain things, you automatically create a box called ignorance for them to live in.

Image from blacklistednews.com

If you want to find a liberated black man, look at Neil DeGrasse Tyson, a man who’s not popular with the black church crowd, but he can’t be debated by a religious person. They just can’t do it. Because he uses unapologetic logic.

The same logic that makes up the universe, as opposed to a magical sky-man who is obsessed with our all of our waking thoughts and actions.

The white Christianity pimp game — that’s what’s going on in Uganda. It’s the same pimp game going on in America, just without the same history of slavery and forced conversion.

I think the Black Power Movement is being misdirected. Homosexuality is not our “greatest threat” and it has never been. We have co-existed with it since the beginning of time. Our real enemy is the same enemy for all mankind. It’s ignorance, and right now the most stylish ignorance is religion.

Filtering all logic and reason,?religious books written by men ignorant of science is a recipe for destruction. It prevents us from learning about our universe; we learn to accept the mysterious and attack those who seek to define “miracles” with logic and reason.

I think Black people need to return to Nepotism and start doing for ourselves. Building our own schools, banks, businesses like we did in Tulsa in the early 20th century before whites burned it down. We need to return to those ways and grow our wealth from within our community.

I understand that a black family is necessary for making this a reality. But homosexuals were in Tulsa as they had always been among every race in the world. They did not destroy anything, human nature will always lean toward heterosexuality more so than homosexuality. This is a non-issue created to distract us from the real enemy, which is ignorance.

Image from flickr.com

If you think about it, Christianity uses a symbol which represents an instrument of death, the cross. It had been transformed to mean something else, but it’s true earthly purpose was to execute and kill people. It did not become the symbol of the religion until two?centuries after it’s establishment. If you think about the twisted logic behind just that, you can begin to see the problem. It would be like people 1,000 years into the future using the image of an electric chair as a religious symbol because their savior was executed by that instrument. Religion has a long track record of trying to control the meaning of real-world things.

I have lots of family and friends who are religious and I love and value them with all my heart. Many religious people practice live and let live; they may not like homosexuality, but they acknowledge that everyone has a right to their own happiness. So I don’t want to make it appear that I am slamming all religious people. I do not intend to disrespect or degrade their “lifestyle choice,” but I would say any religion that punishes asking questions and scientific exploration is poison.

And any religion that tries to use homosexuals or any minority as scapegoats is downright toxic.

A side note: I know I will not be accepted by many because of my relationship with a white woman, not to mention my views on religion. To me people are not generic — they are unique. I can not go and find a black version of who I am with. She doesn’t exist. I don’t care about acceptance or reward from the black community or an arbitrary sky-daddy.

I want to see the black community return to glory even if I’m not a part of it. I know I will be called things like a sellout, coon, heathen, atheist, lost soul, and worse. My view isn’t popular, and that’s just fine by me. But I think once we get rid of the shackles of religion, and start to look at the world through the prism of reality, then we will no longer care about another person’s sex life. We will start seeking a higher purpose beyond just racial purity and spiritual reward. We will start thinking as humans seeking to unite all humanity.

Here are four?videos on this topic.