Black College Educated Evangelical Christian Totally Annihilates Evolution

Today I checked my newsfeed and came across a life changing post that I think everyone should read.

For years I had been brainwashed into believing science and it’s unholy explanations as to how the earth was created. I was even foolish enough to write an article titled “Bad Faith? Is Jesus Christ Being Used As The Ultimate Slave Master Of Black People?” I was so blind.

But thanks to this young man’s well reasoned explanation, I can now say that I have been living an absolute lie. The great prophet Javarrice opened my eyes for the first time. Javarrice studied biology at a state college, so I am even more convinced that he knows his stuff. Look upon the truth and be amazed my friends.


This man needs to teach at a college. Our young people desperately need this information! From the specificity of his numbers alone…his truth has set my mind free.

Here are some replies from actual atheists whose lives he has irreversibly changed for the better.

shoo fucking with my story




So there you have it friends, go to your local church today and ask for more of this incredible knowledge that you will not find in college. Thank You Javarrice and continue to spread the truth to the unwashed masses my friend!

All images found on social media which is considered fair use.