In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court of the United States made marriage legal for all couples in all 50 states. Before the ink was even dry on the paper, conservatives?were already behaving like spoiled children whose toys had been taken away.

Since media stories move fast and die out even faster, let’s review the missteps right-wing news and candidates made this week in their reaction to the SCOTUS marriage equality ruling, before they say even worse things and we forget all about them.

8.?Scott Walker Wants Constitutional?Amendment To?Ignore SCOTUS Ruling

Image via Flikr by Gage Skidmore

?As a result of this decision, the only alternative left for the American people is to support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to reaffirm the ability of the states to continue to define marriage.”

7. Roy Moore, Alabama Chief Justice, Says Ruling Is “Illegitimate”

Image via Raw Story

?Today the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to reverse a ruling by the Sixth Circuit Court of appeals that had upheld the marriage laws of Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, holding that the right to marry a person of the same sex is guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution,? wrote Kayla Moore. ?But the Foundation for Moral Law is blowing the whistle on the illegitimacy of today’s decision.?Not only does the U.S. Supreme Court have no legal authority to redefine marriage, but also at least 2 members of the Court’s majority opinion were under a legal duty to recuse and refrain from voting. Their failure to recuse calls into question the validity of this decision.? – Moore’s wife, Kayla Moore, from Roy Moore’s Facebook Page

6. Bobby Jindal Wants To Do Away With The SCOTUS Altogether

Image via Wikipedia

?The Supreme Court is completely out of control, making laws on their own, and has become a public opinion poll instead of a judicial body…If we want to save some money, let’s just get rid of the court.?

5.?Mike Huckabee Will Call Down Fire

?I stand here on Mt. Carmel today and I hope that, if called upon, I would be willing to stand all by myself and to call fire from Heaven and believe that God will answer even if there are hundreds and hundreds of false prophets on the other side. You may stand here someday and be called upon to call the fire from Heaven. I hope you’re ready to believe that God will answer that prayer.”

4. Rush Limbaugh?Calls George Takei A Bully

Image via Flikr by Gage Skidmore

?See, that’s what’s wrong with this. Nobody in the?I can’t believe I’m saying this?nobody in the heterosexual world is forcing anything on anybody. They’re minding their own business and having something forced on them.?

3. Clarence Thomas Claims Slavery Didn’t Take Away Dignity

Image via Wikipedia

“Slaves did not lose their dignity (any more than they lost their humanity) because the government allowed them to be enslaved…the government cannot bestow dignity; it cannot take it away.”

2. Antonin Scalia Compares LGBTQ Couples To Hippies?

Image via Wikipedia Commons

“Who ever thought that intimacy and spirituality [whatever that means] were freedoms?” he wrote. “And if intimacy is, one would think that Freedom of Intimacy is abridged rather than expanded by marriage. Ask the nearest hippie.”

1. Bryan Fischer, Former Spokesperson for the American Family Association, Compares #SCOTUS Ruling to 9/11

Image via Relevant Magazine

?From a moral standpoint, 6/26 is our 9/11.”



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