Image Via Flickr

The Republican Party of Oklahoma has decided that it would be a good idea to compare Americans who are on Food Stamps to wild animals.

So the Oklahoma GOP shared the following on their Facebook page, apparently not realizing that everyone in the world would then be able to quickly discover just how mean-spirited and crass they truly are:


I cannot quite decide if this was meant to elicit laughter among fellow conservatives or if it is merely further proof that many Republicans could care less if a child goes to bed at night hungry. Either way, it seems indicative of how they view those who are less fortunate.

And this is far from the first time that Republicans have made comparisons between those who receive SNAP benefits and animals.

In 2014,?Dr. Annette Bosworth of South Dakota was running for the Senate when she ran this image on her Facebook page:


Minnesota GOP State Representative Mary Franson? posted a video on YouTube in 2012? that referred to the image as well:

And in 2012, then South Carolina?lieutenant governor?Andre Bauer likened Food Stamp recipients to “stray animals” and said it might be a good idea to cut their benefits so they would be less likely to “breed.”

Yet Republicans often say they cannot understand why so many people think they are the party of the wealthy and powerful.

h/t Raw Story


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