Trump Just Got Dumped – Again – As Top Aid Says “You’re Fired!”

Showboat 2016 Presidential hopeful and current GOP front-runner Donald Trump’s mouth has cost him again. This time it was one of his top political advisers, Roger Stone. It is unclear who fired who, but according to a report filed by NBC News, Stone, who has worked with Trump for many years, reportedly told Trump that he was tired of Trump “using the campaign for his personal publicity.”

The Trump Comment (well, one of many…)

Stone, a long-time Republican Party political consultant dating back to the Nixon years, forwarded an email to NBC News. The content of the email was his Letter of Resignation to Trump.

“Unfortunately, the current controversies involving personalities and provocative media fights have reached such a high volume that it has distracted attention from your platform and overwhelmed your core message. With this current direction of the candidacy, I no longer can remain involved in your campaign.”

The Q&A – What started the fallout

This sideshow began when Megan Kelley questioned “The Donald” about the long stream of degrading remarks he had made about women in the past and asked if he felt that that type of unfiltered language was appropriate for a presidential candidate. The question was well-thought out and very reasonably phrased. But apparently, cry-baby Trump felt like Kelley was ‘picking’ on him.

Trump’s immediate response was to attack Kelley in his now standard misogynistic way. The fall-out continues to mount. Among the most offensive bits, was the remark that Kelley had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”

The Trump camp, in damage control mode, attempted to assert that Trump was referring to Kelley’s nose bleeding, but the pitch was a “no sale.” In fact, the comment was a Rick Perry and Herman Cain moment in this writer’s view. The repercussions are already manifesting themselves.

Starting with Erick Erickson, the top dog at who uninvited Trump from a conservative meeting happening this weekend.

“I just don’t want someone on stage who gets a hostile question from a lady and his first inclination is to imply it was hormonal. It just was wrong.”

Trump has a history of being a “big mouth”

Moreover, it has opened the door for his opponents to pounce on Trump for being disrespectful to one of the most loved Right-Wing pundits. This statement from Rick Perry is indicative of the response from others,

“Donald Trump has proven once again that he doesn’t have the temperament to hold our nation’s highest office. Attacking veterans, Hispanics and women demonstrates a serious lack of character and basic decency, and his comments distract from the serious issues facing our country.”

Carly Fiorina and Scott Walker have tweeted there was no excuse for the comments. Jeb Bush, who is trailing Trump currently in second place, stated that Trump should apologize.

“What Donald Trump said is wrong. That is not how we win elections and worse yet, that is not how you bring people together to solve problems.”

According to a source, Trump had been invited to appear on Fox News earlier in the week and refused because of fear of being confronted by Megan Kelley. Trump was well aware that Kelley has him in her cross-hairs. It is well known that Rupert Murdoch has instructed Fox News Executives to take the “foot off the gas” on criticizing Trump.

In closing, the real issue in this writer’s mind is that the real serious questions facing our country were not discussed in the GOP debate this week. The things the American people care about. Student-Loan Debt was not mentioned. The factors creating the inequality in America were not discussed. Progressives have been saying for months the GOP field is a car full of clowns. I think the GOP debate this week just verified what many Americans already knew.