Ted Cruz’s Dad: Americans ‘Under Bondage’ Because They Cannot Buy Incandescent Lightbulbs

Image Via Gage Skidmore for Flickr

When I woke up this morning, I kind of had a feeling this was gonna be “one of those days” when it comes to the news. Maybe I watch too much cable news, but there’s so much going on in the world that it seems not a day passes without someone saying something so patently ridiculous that I have to take time and call them out for it.

Today we have Rafael Cruz, the always entertaining dad of 2016 GOP candidate Ted Cruz, saying that Americans are living “under bondage” because we can no longer purchase incandescent light bulbs.

Appearing on “The Jan Mickelson Show” yesterday, Papa Cruz couldn’t resist taking cheap shots at the Obama Administration for normalizing diplomatic relations with Cuba, saying that freedom is precious to him since he had to escape from Cuba when Fidel Castro took power:

“I lost my freedom once. I’m not willing to lose it again. I’ll die fighting before I lose my freedom again. The challenge is that many Americans still don’t realize how fragile are freedoms are.”

Our freedoms are fragile! Are you scared yet? No? Then Mr. Cruz must not have properly done his job of making you paranoid.

When directly questioned as to what freedoms were under assault in America today, Cruz replied ominously:

“We see our freedoms under attack every day. Take for example the EPA regulations, they even regulate what lightbulbs you can buy, what kind of toilet seat you can buy. The Clean Air Act, they are talking about modifying the Clean Air Act to regulate a puddle in your backyard. We are seeing more Americans coming under bondage in this administration.”

Last time I checked, I could buy any kind of lightbulbs I wanted to. I choose to buy compact flourescent bulbs because they last longer and use less energy, which is a win-win for me on several fronts. And I don’t recall anyone telling me what kind of toilet seat I could purchase the last time I had to buy one.

Rafael Cruz, along with his son, is typical of the modern-day Republican Party: They seek to control people with fear, playing on those fears to hustle votes. We can only hope their efforts fail.