Donald Trump Tells Kids He’s Batman–So Now We Have #BatTrump

#BatTrump: Image Via Twitter

As much as Donald Trump loves to brag and exaggerate about how great he is, I suppose it was only a matter of time before he became a superhero.

While offering free helicopter rides to kids at the Iowa State Fair over the weekend, a 9-year-old boy named William asked the Donald:

“Are you Batman?”

To which Trump quickly and proudly replied:

“I am Batman.”

Yeah, and I’m a three-headed hydra who menaces Tokyo in my free time.

As you might expect, it didn’t take long for people on the Internet to do what they do best, and by Sunday evening #BatTrump was trending on Twitter. Here are some of the posts that appeared on Twitter:

“I look at these other guys. Green Lantern? Bad. Superman? A joke. Green Arrow? You’re kidding right? Batman. The Best”

“Donald Trump said he sleeps 4 hours a night, he also does it upside down hanging from a tree.

“Avengers Tower? Garbage. You should see Trump Tower. Luxurious. Stark can’t even build a robot without it going nuts.”

“Clark Kent barely pulls down 50k a year. Newspapers are dead. And I’m rich.”

“Hey, Wonder Woman, you call that ‘Paradise Island’? I could buy such a nicer island for less money.”

 “Superman has got to go. In fact all illegal immigrants have got to go”

“Superman’s not a hero. I like heroes whose planets haven’t exploded.”

“Catwoman is very angry, so angry. Blood coming out of her eyes, her… whatever”

So the next time you see a bright light shining in the night sky, rest assured that #BatTrump is taking care of everything. He’s out spreading more lies, insulting more people, and laughing at the gullibility of the GOP electorate.