Conservative Website Directs Threats Against Women And Minorities

Michelle Malkin: Image Via Wikimedia

The conservative website Twitchy is the brainchild of Michelle Malkin, whom I must confess I consider to be one of the most reprepehsible and disgusting human beings currently walking the face of the planet.

And now Jill Filipovic of Cosmopolitan has written the first in-depth investigation on how Twitchy operates, who funds it, and what it’s real goal is.

Twitchy is owned by Salem Media Group. Never heard of them? Well, they also own RedState, HotAir, and TownHall. And they produce several conservative radio shows, including those of Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, and Michael Medved They also own the conservative publishing house Regnery, which publishes the work of far right scribes such as like Ann Coulter, Dinesh D’Souza, and Newt Gingrich.

Oh, and by the way, Salem Media is also partnering with CNN for the second GOP debate, which will take place on September 16.

In her profile of Twitchy, Filipovic notes:

“‘They sent hordes and hordes of people to my Twitter feed. It was like a nightmare,’ Anthea Butler, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania whose tweets about race and religion have been posted to Twitchy several times ‘You see it on the web, but when it’s directed at you, it’s a whole different thing. I’m an academic. When people are calling me ‘nigger’ and ‘bitch’ and ‘look at you, you’re just a fat slag,’ it’s all about your physiotype. I got a lot of ‘you’re dumb’ and ‘I don’t know why Penn would hire you because you shouldn’t be an Ivy League professor.’ I’m a very strong person, and although I did not lose faith in myself, I lost faith in humanity.'”

Personal attacks and attempts to destroy a person are tactics the right wing has used for decades in this country. These are the same kind of people who spread rumors during the 2000 GOP primary season that John McCain had fathered a mixed-race child. In fact, McCain and his wife Cindy had adopted a child from Bangladesh. McCain lost the race to George W. Bush.

Malkin and her minions are especially fond of targeting women who support progressive ideas and policies. As Amanda Marcotte, a feminist writer for Slate and Raw Story, recalled:

“I know that they’re coming after me because my Twitter feed would suddenly fill up with half-literate screeching and aborted fetus pictures and people trying to call me bad things but all afraid to actually use dirty words. I’d check Twitchy and they’d have some picture they thought looked scandalous, usually a picture they pulled off Facebook that they disapprove of because I look like I’m having fun in it, with lurid accusations that I’m some sort of horrid, slutty, callous feminist.”

After Filipovic’s story hit the newsstands, the Twitchy trolls took out after her with their typical rabid fervor:

“The Liberal cunt and sanctimonious scribbler, Jill Filiopvic, who received the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood, is upset. Who cares?”

“Shut the fuck up and make us some sandwiches, cunthammer.”

“Shut your cockhole whore.”

The media conglomerate supporting this kind of poison is also a partner for the next Republican debate. Seems like a good enough reason to me for us to all boycott the thing.

Maybe you’d also like to let Salem know how you feel. If so, here’s the link to contact them directly:

Salem Media Group: Click Here

h/t AddictingInfo