Scott Walker On The Black And Blue Lives Matter Movements

Scott Walker primary victory 2010 (File photo)

Republican Governor Scott Walker had a lot to say about the Black Lives Matter movement. To spare you the ignorant and vacuous rhetoric, I’ll distill the denunciation:

“Over the last week, we’ve seen a disturbing trend of police officers being murdered on the job. Texas Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth was killed Friday, gunned down while pumping gas for no apparent reason other than the uniform on his back.” 

Over the year, we’ve seen a disturbing trend of unarmed black Americans being murdered over minor incidents.  Yesterday, September 3, 2015, Officer Stephen Rankin was indicted for the murder of William Chapman, an unarmed black teenager, who was shot in a Walmart parking lot.

“This isn’t the America I grew up in or that I want my children to grow up in. When the very people responsible for keeping us safe are targeted because they are law enforcement officials, we have a serious problem.”

This is the America I grew up in where my children have to fear about being racially profiled. When the very people responsible for keeping us safe are wittingly putting our lives in danger because of the color of our skin, we have a serious problem, and we’ve been having a serious problem.

“We’ve seen racial tensions worsen and a tendency to use law enforcement as a scapegoat”

We’ve seen racial tensions worsen and a tendency to use law enforcement as a pretense for their underlying prejudice which leads cops to kill unarmed black men and women.

“This kind of attitude has created a culture in which we all too often see demonstrations and chants where people describe police as “pigs” and call for them to be “fried like bacon.”

This kind of attitude has created a culture in which we all too often see demonstrations and chants where officers profess “fuck your breath” and “you shouldn’t have fucking ran.” So, basically running justifies murder??? Good to know Officer Robert Bates “accidentally” shot Eric Harris.

“This inflammatory and disgusting rhetoric has real consequences for the safety of officers who put their lives on the line for us and hampers their ability to serve the communities that need their help.”

This inflammatory and disgusting rhetoric has real consequences for the safety of black civilians who put their lives on the line when rhetoric like this registers into the psyche of officers everywhere who, ultimately don’t think twice about shooting a black man or woman.

“But we must do more to protect those who protect us. Police officers across this country need to know that we have their back. “

But we must do more to protect those who are not protected by the system. Black Americans across this country need to know that we have their back.

“We need to change the tone in America from chants and rallies that fixate on racial division…”

We need to change the system in America from racist profiling that divides our nation, which perpetuates the tension.

Scott Walker, if it hadn’t been for racial prejudice, there wouldn’t be a movement. Black Americans didn’t cause this racial division, racist and hateful cops did. This isn’t about the attacks on cops, but the attacks on black citizens; don’t spin this into a situation where the cops are the victims of this movement. Who were the ones that propelled us into inferiority?


Elijah Martinez is a MasterChef and Law and Order:SVU aficionado. Elijah is a full-time student and a polyglot, speaking and writing English, Spanish, and Latin. French and Korean are of interest, the former is a current study, while the latter is a deferred study.