During the Bush administration, there was a film set to be played for Congress called “Iraq For Sale.” This film was made by director Robert Greenwald, it chronicled the tremendous waste that took place in Bush’s war.
In the film soldiers talked about having their jobs taken away by private contractors who charged the government obscene amounts of money for tasks soldiers could have easily done themselves. In some cases contractors where making up to six figures for doing the most menial tasks.
A great example of the tax payer black hole known as the Iraq War, was how Halliburton charged $99 just to do one bag of laundry. In the video, soldiers tell us how they were ordered not to do their own laundry, they had to take it to Halliburton.
You see scenes where they would burn perfectly good, and in some cases still in the box equipment just to purposely run up the tax payer’s bill.
This film was so incendiary, that the republicans in congress had it banned from being shown. They did not want any semblance of the truth being shown to the representatives of the American people. This film raised hard questions, and republicans answered by having it banned. What more needs to be said?
Here are highlights from the film. You can see the full film here.