Image Via JoemyGod

According to John Piper, a Minnesota pastor who also happens to be a favorite of the oft-troubled Duggar family, if you’re not a Christian and you’re having sex, you’re nothing but a prostitute.

Yes, you read that correctly: Non-Christians are prostituting themselves because God ordained sex only for Christians.

In a column titled “Sex Belongs to Christians,” Piper wrote that Hollywood had turned the “holy pleasure into a cheap spectator sport.” And he also let forth with this:

“Sex belongs to Christians. Because sex belongs to God. If it is used by those who do not believe and know the truth, it is prostituted. The pleasures of sex are meant for believers. They are designed for their greatest expression by the children of God.He saves His richest gifts for his children. And as we enjoy His gift of sex, we say, by our covenant faithfulness to our spouse, that God is greater than sex. And the pleasures of sex are themselves an overflow of God’s own goodness.”

See, according to this asshat, God made sex:

“For the Christ-exalting glory of covenant-keeping faithfulness in marriage, and for the glory of Christ-exalting chastity in singleness.”

Really? And you have to wonder: Did Brother Piper ever tell Josh Duggar about this theory? Did he tell him how wrong it was to molest his sisters and have sex outside of his marriage with a porn star? Or does he only save those sermons for the general public and then provide absolution to his good friends who commit some of the most despicable crimes imaginable?

How might Josh Duggar react if he heard this line of a sermon from John Piper?

“The gospel convinces us of something irresistibly true, and then transforms our desires for something new. That conviction and passion keeps us out of bed with someone who’s not our spouse and rejects a thousand other temptations.”

Nope, Brother Piper. Not everyone rejects the thousand temptations. Some of your most devoted followers are too busy in search of a thousand illicit pleasures.


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