Christian Group Loses Their S*it Because Georgia Schools Will Teach About All Religions

Michelle King: Screenshot Via WSB-Action News

Perhaps you’ve heard of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). Its founder and main rabid attack dog, Jay Sekulow, is such a frequent guest on Fox News that I’m just about certain he has a cot, blanket, and pillow at the Fox studios.

And now the ACLJ is foaming at the mouth because some Georgia schools are daring to teach about religions other than Christianity. Bottom line: the ACLJ says they fear that public school students in the Peach State are somehow being indoctrinated into the Muslim faith by their curriculum on world religions.

All the controversy is over a homework assignment in Walton County that correctly points out that “Allah” is  the same God worshiped by Jews and Christians. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have always been seen as stemming from the Biblical character of Abraham and even share may of the same texts and figures.

Here’s a sample question from the lesson on world religions:

“Allah is the [blank] worshiped by Jews & Christians.”

To which a student would then write:

“Same God.”

But to hear the ACLJ tell it, the kids might just have well been enrolled in a madrassa and signed up for a lifetime membership at the local mosque:

“This is outrageous. State education standards require education on Islam, not indoctrination into the religion. Rather than explain the history of world religions, schools are reportedly forcing students to learn the Five Pillars of Islam—the creed one must learn to convert—and teaching students that Allah is the same God worshiped by Christians.”

Naturally, the ACLJ also managed to stir up some parents and instill unwarranted fear into them. One of them, Michelle King, sounds like she is reading from an ACLJ press release when she comments:

“Like my daughter had to learn the [Shahada] and the Five Pillars of Islam, which is what you learn to convert. But they never once learned anything about the Ten Commandments or anything about God.”

District spokeswoman Kim Embry said the curriculum is the same being used across the United States:

“We are teaching the same stuff that everyone else is teaching. If you’re learning about the Middle East, it’s very difficult not to teach about Islam.”

But the American Center for Law and Justice is still not satisfied, no doubt needing to create fake controversies such as this so they can send out more fundraising letters. ACLJ issued a statement declaring:

“Something needs to be done. We at the ACLJ are working hard to investigate, expose, and end these unconstitutional practices, and are committed to fighting for the constitutionally protected rights of all public school students. We continue to receive contact from concerned parents and citizens. We are working directly with our clients—parents of students in local schools—and preparing to send out demand letters to these schools if necessary. Shari’ah law’s threat to our constitutional freedoms.”

Featured Image Via Screenshot from WSB Action News