Texas State Representative Jason Villalba was sitting home watching the Democratic debate Tuesday evening and suddenly decided he urgently needed to sent out a tweet. So he fired up his computer and this is what he posted on his Twitter account:
When the criticism of Villalaba’s totally untrue comment began to accumulate on social media, Villalba said it was “just a meme floating around on the web.”
As if that excuses it.
In case you don’t know, Senator Sanders is Jewish, and to associate him with the Nazis has got to be one of the most reprehensible things imaginable. Also, democratic socialism is nothing like national socialism, which is what the Nazi party called themselves. Many European and Scandinavian countries are governed under the principles of democratic socialism.
Villalba then tried to do damage control by telling a Texas newspaper:
“It’s perfectly accurate. I was in no way making a comparison to the current Democratic Party and Nazis. If they want to read it that way, then that’s their prerogative. That’s not what the intent is.”
In that case, then it’s perfect accurate to call Villalba a gigantic douchebag.
Texas Democratic party spokesman, Manny Garcia had this to say about what Villalba posted:
“Representative Villalba ought to be ashamed of himself for pandering to the Trump/Carson wing of his party. There is no excuse for such a gross act of disrespect.”
Jason Villalba is the perfect ambassador of hate for today’s Republican Party. They see those they disagree with as evil and love to pull the Nazi card whenever they need to stir up their base. But when they get caught doing so, they almost always claim what they said was taken out of context or try to blame those who were offended.
Here’s my own personal message to Jason Villalba: You wish you were as good of a person as Bernie Sanders. But as you’ve just proven, you’re nothing but a human slug.