The GOP Candidate That Speaks The Truth (Hilarious Video)

Just when America thought that maybe the GOP couldn’t find a viable candidate this guy shows up! Asshole for President 2016! I know what you’re thinking; Isn’t that guy already running? This man actually tells the truth, the whole truth, and something more than the truth.

Move over Trump, run and hide Ben Carson (as per usual) there is a new candidate in town and he is a bigger arse than the two of you combined!

While the hilarious video describes what we are already used to, it actually describes the deeper darker truth of American politics today. The “asshole” who is asking for your vote says it way more clearly than I have ever heard it.

He talks about trickle down and the way Americans seem to have a need to be pushed around by a bully. Why are politicians, who are so blatantly for themselves, even elected? What is this need the GOP constituents have to keep pushing and fighting for policies that go against the very issues that face them on a daily basis? Here’s a quote from the video:

“You know how girls like guys that are a little bit mean to them? Well, America is the same way! You want a candidate that will tell you that the way you think is wrong.”

Humor has often been used to convey the deeper message that we need to hear. Mary Poppins said it best:

“A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”

Comedy Central pundits have used this tactic for years to skewer both the Left and the Right over the years by breaking down serious issues that affect us everyday. Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart have made an entire industry around the fact that, while this stuff is serious, there is a way to get the message out to just about everyone. Fox News has funny pundits too. They just do it by accident.

Enjoy the video below from our friends at FunnyorDie and see if this guy reminds you of just about every candidate on the Right. I guarantee he is very similar in his views…er, I mean goals for America. Get rich, while Americans suffer!

Featured image is a screen grab from the video.