Chances are you’ve never heard of Tamara Scott. She’s a conservative activist in Iowa who serves as a Republican National Committee member for the state. She also has a radio program named “Truth for Our Time.”
Recently on her show, Scott featured two anti-vaccination activists. One of them, Elaine Dannemann, is the founder and president of something known as the “Vaccine Liberation Army,” and its website proclaims that she is in “a primordial, cosmic war” against all vaccines. The most recent object of her ire is a California law that requires daycare workers to be vaccinated against measles and whooping cough.
Scott, as you might expect, agreed wholeheartely with Dannemann, declaring that the real threat to children’s health is not childhood diseases but socialism in public schools. Scott added:
“The schools are some of the germiest places you’ll ever be around. They’ve gone to this socialistic teaching where you no longer have your own pencils you’re responsible for so you can learn how to take care of things and be a good steward; it’s all socialistic in the middle of the table, you’re all facing each other, handling each other’s things. And the schools, yet, when my kids were in school, kept wondering why they kept having all the issues with strep throat and all the issues with all these childhood illnesses continually happening. Because it’s the new way they’re doing school in the classroom. So, if you want to keep your kid healthy, take them out of public school. It will help them mentally, emotionally, academically and now, physically, it would help them as well.”
But Scott wasn’t quite finished dishing out her particular brand of lunacy, also saying:
“There, I’ve just said it. I may never be able to run for office, that quote will follow me with some of the liberal news organizations, but it is true, that’s probably the best thing you can do for your child right now.”
Truth? Ms. Scott, I’m quite sure you wouldn’t know the truth if it walked up to you, introduced itself, shook your hand, and then bit you square on the butt as it walked away.