If you were wondering which one of the right wing nut jobs who often show up on Fox News would come up with the most tasteless and totally messed up Halloween costume, I do believe we have found the winner in that regard.
That dubious honor and award belongs to Dana Loesch, a woman who dearly loves to salivate and swoon over semiautomatic weapons and claim that progressives are ruining the United States.
But first, some background: Earlier in the week, actress/comedian Lena Dunham sent out a tweet in which she said she would be dressing up as a doctor from Planned Parenthood:
As you would expect, folks on the far right began to criticize Dunham and call her an “abortionist” for her choice of costume. The extremists conveniently forget that Planned Parenthood also provides numerous preventive health services because that doesn’t fit into their narrative.
So now we come to Dana Loesch, who decided to send out this incredibly insensitive posting:
Who wore it best? #PlannedParenthood cc @lenadunham #BlazeTV ?? pic.twitter.com/vxNs4Y0naE
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) October 29, 2015
Ms. Loesch, like so many of the B-list media wannabes on the far right, probably did this whole stunt for attention to her pseudocareer as a “commentator.” But her willful ignorance and craven indifference to the plight of women who rely on Planned Parenthood display what her real costume is, and it’s the one she wears every day of the year: Heartless ideologue.
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