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Is America becoming a less religious place? According to a new study performed by the Pew Research Center, the number of people who are “absolutely certain” that God exists has dropped from 71 percent to 63 percent.

Between the years 2007 and 2014, there has been a small drop in the amount of adults who believe in God. The numbers in this case moved from 92 percent to 89 percent.

Religious affiliation has shrunk. The number of adults who carry an affiliation has moved down from 83 percent to 77 percent.

What about Millennials? What do they have to say about all this? According to the Pew Research Center findings, only 27 percent of Millennials go to church on a weekly basis, and only half of them say they believe in God with “absolute certainty.”

Is this information enough to justify a country-wide panic? No, not really. If we can take anything from this study from Pew, it’s the fact that religion is still going strong. Nearly two-thirds of adults with a religious affiliation pray every day. Seventy-seven percent of adults identify with a religion, and six-in-ten attend church services at least once a month. Of the younger Millennials, four-in-ten pray every day.

In fact, this study offers something new to celebrate. Acceptance of gays has risen from 58 percent to 70 percent among Catholics, 48 percent to 62 percent among Orthodox Christians, 24 percent to 36 percent among Mormons, and 44 percent to 54 percent among all Christians.

This survey was conducted with the help of 35,071 participants through telephone discussions, said Pew.


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