It seems as if Dr. Ben Carson may be caught up in his own twisted logic of how the world works. In a video uncovered from a speech he gave, Carson discusses the majority of Americans and says that “many of them are stupid.

His reference to the supposed idiocy of this nation stemmed from his belief that “political enemies” are “infiltrating” all aspects of society. He believes they were able to do so because the American public is so vastly mentally unfit as to recognize their tactics. Carson continues his fairy tale by saying that it is only thanks to his column and channels like Fox News that have kept these mortal enemies of America at bay. With analogies that are always mind-boggling, Carson states, “We’d be Cuba if there was no Fox News.

I am unsure if Dr. Carson is just trying to see what all he can say and have people believe it, or if he truly believes that without the falsehoods perpetuated by Fox News, America would become a totalitarian communist state. It may be that he is just confused with the difference between socialism and communism, the way Donald Trump seems to be. If that is the case, I am sure there are some lovely political science professors that would be happy to educate him.

What’s funny though, speaking of totalitarian states, is that Carson has a quite totalitarian view of what to do with the Department of Education. In case you’ve forgotten, he would like to use the Department to monitor free speech at universities and colleges. And he plans to do this with undercover operatives who would report back whether the speech was too liberal or not. If the speech was deemed too liberal, Carson would terminate federal funds to that institution.

It kind of appears from all of this, that maybe Carson is the same political enemy that he fabricates in his own speeches?


Featured image via WikiCommons, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.


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