Here’s The Video Of Ben Carson Lying About West Point

This video is from the Charlie Rose show shot on October 9, 2015. It shows the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination, Dr. Ben Carson, lying through his teeth about being offered a “Full Scholarship” to West Point military academy.

“Because I had done so extraordinarily well you know I was told that someone like me – they could get a scholarship to West Point,” Carson said. “But I made it clear I was going to pursue a career in medicine. It was, you know, an informal ‘with a record like yours we could easily get you a scholarship to West Point.’” (New York Times)

During a an interview airing Friday night on the Fox News show “The O’Reilly Factor,” Carson said he told the West Point story as he recalled it. Carson said this:

“Lying, I believe, is a grave sin and there’s just no way that I would be sitting here lying about something like this.”

Ben Carson’s campaign has to be in panic mode behind the scenes. Unfortunately or, fortunately, depending how you see it, even if Carson implodes behind this newest scandal, Donald Trump is still waiting to claim the nomination. But then again good ole’ Jeb Bush is just waiting in the wings with his trusty tool belt hoping he can “fix” the situation in his favor. The GOP circus continues. Stay tuned.

You can read more details about this story here.