Late Friday, Liberal America reported that the horrific terrorist attack of the Bataclan theater in Paris was finally over. The music that night was performed by the rock/blues band ironically named the Eagles of Death Metal. While ISIS has since claimed responsibility — according to Christian pastor Steven Anderson — the concert goers were responsible for their own deaths.

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Anderson – who is the pastor of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ – gave a very Christian sermon this past Sunday titled, The Sinful Nation of France. Not only did he attack France itself, he also attacked the band and concert goers as well. Again, a very Christian thing to do after such a tragedy.

While the sermon is 51:11 long, perhaps the most pathetic part of his sermon comes between 5:35 and 6:48. This is when the wheels really come off of Anderson’s Christian rollercoaster. It’s during this time he says:

“Eagles of Death Metal is the name of the band, and the Bible says in Proverbs, ‘All they that hate me love death.’ Speaking of God, those who hate God love death. You know what, there’s something about when you go to a concert of death metal, somebody might get killed! You know you’re worshipping death, and then all of a sudden people start dying, ‘Oh wait a minute, what’s going on?’ Well you love death so much, you bought the ticket, you love worshipping Satan! Well, let’s have some of Satan’s religion come in and shoot you!

I mean that’s what these people should think about before they go to such a wicked concert. And look, I’m not condoning what these Islamic murderers did — they’re wicked, they’re murderers — but you know what, nobody should be at a concert worshipping Satan with this drug pushing hillbilly f*ggot, and that’s what he is. I mean all you have to do is just Google this band. Somebody told me, somebody emailed me and said ‘Just hit Google images, Eagles of Death Metal,’ and these guys are just total sodomite looking freaks. You know, but nobody thinks about that, it’s just, ‘Oh no, let’s stand with France.’ No, France is a sinful wicked nation.”

How quickly we go from one set of religious extremists to another. I say this because Patheos reminds us that Anderson is the same Christian that called for the “public execution of gays and lesbians.”

Muslim extremists against the Christian Taliban. Yeah, I see this one ending well for the rest of us.



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