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The pastor of a church in New York City thought it would be a good idea to hurl racist and homophobic slurs at protesters who showed up outside his church on Monday.

About 100 people showed up at Pastor James David Manning’s Atlah Worldwide Church to protest the church for its hateful attitude toward LGBT people.

In a video of the incident, Manning can be heard singing the following song to the protesters:

“Oh, f*ggots, please come out tonight.”

At another point, Manning remarks:

“Where are all the n*gger f*ggots? Where are the n*ggers? Why are ya’ll white?”

Once he sees a black protester in the crowd, Pastor Manning calls the woman “n*gger lesbo,” and then begins shouting:

“Hey, you lesbo, come over here.”

This is the same James Manning who has, in the past, said he was once tempted by the “gay lifestyle.” But this venom-spewing bag of excrement is perhaps best known for claiming that Starbucks baristas were secretly adding semen to customers’ lattes as part of a gay plot. Additionally, his church–which is located  in Harlem–is known to display signs bearing anti-gay messages. He has also called for the stoning of LGBT Americans.

Assemblyman Keith Wright, who also took part in the protest outside the church, issued a statement after the confrontation with Pastor Manning:

“The messages displayed by the ATLAH Church are not reflective of this community, but are grossly offensive hate speech that have no place in the streets of Harlem. Today, humankind finds itself surrounded by the tragedies of war. In upper Manhattan and abroad, we are crippled by problems of inequality. Record-high debt is ensconcing countries, communities, families and individuals. There is no time or attention left to spend spreading a message of bigotry. Today, the truest members of the Harlem community ‎are speaking up and we reject this display of hatred by ATLAH Church.”

And yet Manning, who claims to represent the teachings of Jesus Christ, continues to pervert the true message of love and tolerance found in virtually every word uttered by Jesus.

Watch a Video of the Protest


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