On the Fox “news” show “America’s Newsroom” yesterday, Dec.3, resident psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Ablow, graced us with his knowledge. This time he was there to speak about the recent terrorist attack that took 14 lives and injured at least 21 people in San Bernardino, CA. The shooters, Syed Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, died in a shootout with police shortly after the attack.

While the psychiatrist is a regular contributor for Fox, Ablow has been known to say some questionable things. Especially about President Obama. Imagine that.
Now, even though we know that many law enforcement agencies are working together to find a motive behind this terrorist attack, Ablow decided to give his “expert” opinion. Since most of the evidence is pointing towards an attack with radical Islamic origins, Ablow had a lot to work with to fit Fox’s narrow minded narratives. He is a psychiatrist by the way.
While Ablow went on to make statements regarding President Obama, and other pathetic statements, the real zinger came when he answered this question from host Martha MacCallum:
“He leaves the party, one of his coworkers said, “Where’d Sayed go? I guess he’s not gonna make it for the group picture this year, he’s gone.” Somebody said there was some kind of dispute, we don’t know the details of that at this point, and then he comes back. Do you think it’s possible that maybe this wasn’t the original plan?”
Ablow then responds with this:
“You know, we don’t have the facts, your right, but as a journalist, as someone who tries to put together stories in my office as a psychiatrist and make sense of them, the one that would make sense without all the facts would be something happened at the party that led him to say, “That’s it, I’ve had it.” Maybe he said, “Why aren’t we celebrating my holidays?” Maybe somebody said something that he considered off-color about his faith and he decided, look, now it’s go time.
Listen, if somebody named Sayed leaves your party and people say, “Why is Sayed leaving?”, you know what, call the cops. That’s the point at which we’re at in this country. I’m sorry to say it but we’re there, and to do otherwise would be called the psychological force of denial.”
With statements like that, I truly hope that anyone looking for a psychiatrist in his area stays as far away as possible. Especially since he likes to “put together stories” without all of the facts.
To get a real sense of what type of psychiatrist not to go to, this video would be a great start.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUNOMeB1t6s&w=853&h=480]