WATCH As Montel Williams Schools A Fox Host On Guns And Terrorism

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Recently on Fox Business Network, Kennedy Montgomery thought it would be a good idea to invite Montel Williams to talk about the tragic shootings in San Bernardino California, which left 14 people dead and a community devastated. She got more than she bargained for.

During the interview, Williams suggested that a registry for all gun owners would be one possible solution to the proliferation of guns in the United States. That upset Montgomery, who then resorted to the usual right-wing tropes of fear and anger. Here’s what Montel told Kennedy:

“Why don’t we use this as an opportunity to register gun owners? ‘Cause American citizens who could be radicalized… are sitting there as your neighbor. So why can’t we have a registry of who has [firearms]? I own 14 guns, and I don’t mind going down and registering them, because I’m a law-abiding citizen.”

Rather than addressing that point, Montgomery attempted to shift the focus by suggesting a bomb registry since the San Bernardino killers also used explosive devices:

“[Syed Farook] purchased his guns legally, but what about the bombs? Should we start a bomb registry?”

Williams responded logically and perfectly that if you:

“Buy pounds of black powder, maybe we should track a person who does so.”

Once again, Montgomery tried to derail the debate, claiming, as NRA sympathizers always do, that the issue was not about guns at all:

“You know what, Montel? This attack occurred in California, and if you want to look at the registry — if you want to look at how it’s almost impossible to purchase firearms in California, go to right now and read Brian Doherty’s column. This is not about guns, Montel.”

But Williams again shut down the host with this:

“Look, I’m a strong believer in the Second Amendment. You can’t stop me from buying any gun I want to have. But I want to stop those people who don’t have the mental capacity to own them.”

Watch the interview right here: