Since TIME magazine first started its Person of the Year issues in 1927, there have been many controversial picks. While TIME has named people like Martin Luther King Jr., Barack Obama, and Mahatma Gandhi, they have also named people such as Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, and the Ayatollah Khomeini.

While the editors of TIME magazine are the ones that choose the Person of the Year, the Huffington Post reports that, “TIME is conducting an online poll.” Now – if the anti-gay group, Liberty Counsel, gets their way – Kim Davis would be the next Person of the Year.
Most people will remember Kim Davis as the Kentucky clerk that went to jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Now, the right-wing legal group that represented her, Liberty Counsel, is attempting to rally her supporters to vote for her as TIME’S Person of the Year.
The Huffington post also reports that:
“In an email to supporters, Liberty Counsel chairman Mathew Staver said people should vote for Davis because she “joins a long list of people who were imprisoned for their conscience. People who today we admire like Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Jan Huss, John Bunyan, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and others like them.”
How in the world can he even compare people that fought for other’s rights with the likes of Kim Davis? This is a woman who prides herself on denying people’s rights. She is a joke. A dangerous joke, but a joke. The fact that she could actually be on the cover is a joke. Pride is a sin in the Bible by the way.
While voting is set to be closed at 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 6, the reader’s poll winner will be announced on Dec. 7. The Person of the Year will be announced Dec. 9.