Pastors preaching their interpretation of God’s commands are nothing new. Lately though, we have seen an increase in pastors preaching that if women only submitted to men, everything would be okay. The latest to make such statements is Dr. Ashley E. Ray, senior pastor of the Ridgeway Baptist Church of Memphis.


In this latest attempt at interpreting God’s commands, Ray bounces back and forth from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Speaking on the story of Adam and Eve, Ray says:

“When the lady led, the human race fell. When Adam allowed his wife to lead him – and it’s his fault not hers – but when he allowed that, the human race fell.”

Continuing with preaching God’s commands, Ray then goes on to get political and give his take on equal rights by saying:

“You say, “But aren’t men and women equal?” Equal, yes, same value, yes, same in every way, absolutely not. I found that women are very much superior at being women than men are, and men are superior at being men than women. The mayor of Houston says that her crowning achievement as mayor will be their city ordinance of equal rights, and the abolishment of men’s and women’s restrooms.”

Shortly later he goes on to say:

“And some of this problem in which we find ourselves today started with the feminist rebellion.”

Well ladies, so far it’s all of our fault. How dare us. The best is saved for last though. When it comes to marriage, Ray is not shy about the commands that women must submit to when he says:

“There is, whether you like it or not, a divine hierarchy in marriage. But watch this, there should be a divine harmony in marriage…But wives must submit to their husbands, that will bring harmony. Pastor, what’s the word submit really mean in the Greek language? To live up under, to submit.”

So there you have it, just submit and live under your husband if you want harmony. Because Lord knows that men left to their own devices would never do anything to cause disharmony. Sorry guys, I know there are some good ones out there. We are only human though.

If you have the stomach, you can catch the full display of ignorance in the video below.



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