A Christian woman in Scottsdale, Arizona, decided to take the question “What would Jesus do?” to heart and penned a note of love and reconciliation to area Muslims. The message was left taped to the door of the Islamic Center of the Northeast Valley.
The woman wrote:
“I am only one person — an American Christian. I feel the people making radical statements on TV and claim they are Christian have forgotten what their faith is all about!
“As far as ISIS — it is impossible for them to ever win, maybe my head, maybe my body — but they can NEVER take my soul. I refuse to fear my fellow Americans…Please — stay strong — this will pass. The good always prevail!”
Imraan Siddiqi, director of the local chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) remarked:
“CAIR is the largest Muslim advocacy group out of America, but your voice is going to be much stronger when you have the backing of the interfaith community. It has to be a united effort.”
Siddiqi added:
“We understand that some are fearful after the recent attacks and brutality suffered around the world. However, we must recognize that refugees are themselves victims of this suffering. Our religious traditions state clearly that we are to welcome the stranger, to provide for those who seek refuge.”
On Tuesday, someone else also left a note of encouragement on the mosque Siddiqi attends, along with a $20 cash donation. The note read:
“Hello, I’m a white Atheist woman, but I strongly believe that everyone has the right to practice their religion in a safe place no matter what their religion is. I’m sorry for any negativity you may have experienced because of ignorant fear-mongering. Where there’s hate there is a great amount of love and you are loved.”
As we have always know, the message is timeless and eternal. And it should be repeated again and again: You can only hope to overcome hatred with love.