Trump Makes Outrageous Claims – Britain Responds With Hilarity #TrumpFacts

The British public are rallying together in light of Donald Trump’s most recent claims regarding the radicalization of London by Muslim extremists.

Not only have over half a million British people signed a petition in a bid to ban Trump from entering the country but the Brits have since been entertaining themselves by mocking Trump on Twitter and adding the hashtag #TrumpFacts to the end of their satirical tweets about Britain’s supposed radicalization.

He is no stranger to making controversial claims however last week Trump outraged Brits by falsely stating that certain areas of the UK were so overrun with terrorists that even the police felt unsafe. He said:

“We have places in London and other places that are so radicalized that the police are afraid for their own lives. We have to be very smart and very vigilant.

These absurd statements did not go down well with the British public who have stood together despite their differences and called Trump out on his lies.

Prime Minister David Cameron has stated that it is wrong of Trump to question Britain’s police force in this way and Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, criticized the “ill-informed” Trump for stating “complete and utter nonsense.”

Johnson made his opinion of Trump quite clear when he went so far as to say:

“The only reason I wouldn’t go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump.”

Johnson is not the only one to mock Trump in this way as many members of the British public have followed his example and began using Trump as the butt of their jokes on Twitter.

These tweets consist of satirical and hilarious comments and images from members of the British public drawing inspiration from Trump’s most recent islamophobic claims regarding the UK.

Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr under this Creative Commons License.

Natasha is a freelance writer, feminist, and coffee addict based in the UK. She has a Master's degree in Literary Studies and specialised in Gender Studies throughout her time at University. She spends her free time collecting tattoos and dying her hair bizarre colours, much to her girlfriend's dismay.