Tonight, the candidates all vying to the the Republican’s nominee for President will gather in Las Vegas. They will (supposedly) be debating national security.

After Donald Trump’s xenophobic and racist rants over the past few months, with the most recent being his call for an outright ban on Muslims entering the country, this Republican debate should have plenty of material.

Further more, Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz has been surging in the polls in Iowa. At the same time, Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson has been steadily falling.

There has even been some base stealing by Republican Presidential candidate Marco Rubio as of late.

This will also be the first Republican Presidential debate since the terrorist attacks in Paris, and the terrorist attack in San Bernardino.

I am not trying to make light of any of the horrible events that have happened in both Paris and in California. Nor am I trying to make light of the serious issues facing our nation and its security.

However, I am trying to make light of these candidates and their half-baked (or fully unformed in the case of Carson) plans to secure our country.

So without further ado, here is the drinking game for tonight:

[DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is meant to be funny. Liberal America does not support drinking to excess. We are not liable if you decide to be ridiculous and drink yourself silly]




If any candidate says the following, everyone must drink.


  • Reagan
    • You know, the person who they all bow down to, but who would be too liberal for today’s current Republican party
  • Radical Islamic Terrorism/ists
    • Drink twice if they include a jab at President Obama for not calling terrorists by this name


  • Good Guy With A Gun story/analogy
    • The 72-year-old-Grandma theory (if you watched the West Wing, this will make sense)
  • The 2nd Amendment and/or Government Is Trying To Take Away Our Guns
      • Self-explanatory


  • I’m A Product Of The American Dream story
    • How these multi-millionaires and billionaires pulled themselves up by their bootstraps
  • I’m Not A ________, But story
    • Such as, I’m not a scientist, but . . . or I’m not a doctor, but . . . – oftentimes said before making a comparison that is supposed to endear them to the average American
  • I’m The Only One Here Who . . . Story
    • Where they try to set themselves apart


Drink Water every time the Republican candidate ignores the moderator and continues to talk (hey, you’ve got to keep hydrated! It is a Tuesday night)


If you are drinking in a group of four, each of you pick from amongst

  1. Donald Trump,
  2. Ben Carson,
  3. Ted Cruz and
  4. Marco Rubio.

If you are drinking in a group of five, each of you pick from the above Republican candidates, with the JV-level of the main debate (Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Rand Paul) all counting as one person (therefore, if you get them, you drink when any of them say/do the things below).

If you are drinking in a group of six or more, figure out your own way of dividing this up.

If you’re drinking alone, you automatically get Donald Trump (also, you might want to seek help).


    • Best
    • Muslims
    • Mosques
    • Registration/Register
    • Healthy/iest
    • Great/greatest
    • Declares he is not a bigot/racist
    • Carpet bomb/nuke the Middle East
    • Traditional values
    • Declares he is not a bigot/racist


    • Immigrant/tion
    • Declares he is not a bigot/racist because of his family
    • Outsider
    • Arab allies
      • Drink water when he fails to specify who those allies are
    • Reince Priebus/RNC/Brokered Convention


    • Says a statistic that sounds like it has to be wrong
    • Invokes Hillary
    • Brings up his brother
    • Makes awkward joke


    • Talks about what he did after 9/11 to keep Jersey safe
    • Tries to prove his toughness
    • Worked together
    • Ohio
      • Drink water if he tells the other candidates they are being unrealistic, or the audience boos him
    • Freedom
    • Guns


If a candidate interrupts another, the person who has the candidate that interrupted must also drink.

If a candidate makes a jab at another, the person who has the candidate making the jab must toast the person with the candidate to whom the jab is being made.



There you go! Have at it, and feel free to add your own Republican-specific candidate words/phrases as well.

h/t to Rolling Stone, The Sun Times, Buzzfeed, and for the inspiration.


P.S. We will be live-tweeting the debate tonight starting at 9pm EST over at @LibAmericaOrg – come join us!

P.P.S. Want to know where to watch it? CNET breaks it down for you here. The basics: It will start at 9pm EST on CNN. They will also be livestreaming it via their app. See you there!

Featured image via Pixabay. All gifs courtesy of Giphy, with each linked individually via the image. All images used are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.





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