‘Obama Sucks:’ Plans To Change Gun Law Piss Off Republicans

President Barack Obama kicked off his final year in the White House with a brief summary of his accomplishments regarding changes to the law. In his weekly radio address Obama noted that he will continue his efforts to make positive changes to issues such as the economy and health care over the coming year.

Obama spoke explicitly about his desire to change the law on gun ownership in a bid to reduce violence and requested the help of American citizens in order to do so.

Obama stated:

“My New Year’s resolution is to move forward on our unfinished business as much as I can. I’ll be more frequently asking for your help.”

He then revealed the piece of “unfinished business” he will be focusing on throughout the duration of 2016 is America’s “epidemic of gun violence.”

Obama has spoken out about his desire to tighten up gun laws in the past and has previously stated:

“My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage.”

Although Obama has received a lot of support in regards to his views on gun laws he has also received criticism from many, including Republican presidential candidates.

If the response from gun owners at 2016’s first gun show is anything to go by, Obama should expect a great deal of resistance from those who feel their fundamental rights are being attacked.

Reporting from a Crossroads of the West Gun Show, Sky News spoke to various American citizens who were happy to make their views on Obama’s plans clear.

In regards to Obama’s desire to restrict gun ownership, one attendee stated:

“If he’s going to do that and not going to go through Congress, I think that is illegal.”

Another speculated over the “extreme” plans to change the law, stating:

“They’re going to take guns away from law abiding citizens and the criminals are going to still have guns.”

One man attending the show even went so far as to emblazon his views of Obama across his chest as he walked around in a T-shirt with the slogan “Obama sucks.”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCaIVQhRzjE?rel=0]

Image via Sky News.

Natasha is a freelance writer, feminist, and coffee addict based in the UK. She has a Master's degree in Literary Studies and specialised in Gender Studies throughout her time at University. She spends her free time collecting tattoos and dying her hair bizarre colours, much to her girlfriend's dismay.