If you are following the Bernie Sanders’ campaign and/or receiving his campaign’s e-mails, then you are aware that the owners of Ben & Jerry’s, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, are huge supporters of this presidential hopeful. This shouldn’t come as a surprise considering that Ben & Jerry’s is headquartered in Vermont (the state Bernie represents) and also because Ben & Jerry’s pushes a variety of causes similar to the platform that Bernie is running on.

The two co-founders of the infamous ice-cream corporation, however, are not advocating for Bernie as Ben & Jerry’s, rather they are representing themselves as citizens. Ben Cohen explained that they support Bernie because of the values they share with the presidential hopeful, particularlypoverty and income inequality.”

Cohen has been somewhat of (an unofficial) spokesman for Bernie, including doing interviews with the mainstream media. Of course, the one question he gets asked is whether they will be developing an ice cream flavor in honor of the candidate.

Cohen, who was formerly a flavor developer at his company, answers this question by explaining the flavor he has considered:

When you open up the pint, there’s this big disc of chocolate on the top, covering the entire top. And below it is just plain mint ice-cream. The disc of chocolate represents the 90 percent of the wealth that’s gone to the top ten percent over the last ten years.

My favorite part of his explanation is how you have to eat this ice-cream:

“The way you eat it is that you take your spoon and you whack that big chocolate disc into a bunch of little pieces and you mix it around, and there you have it: ‘Bernie’s Yearning.'” 

This is genius. There are many of us who would love to whack the chocolate disc representing the 10 percent. So, why haven’t the flavor gurus over at Ben & Jerry’s created Cohen’s brilliant ideayet? Hopefully they will consider doing this once Bernie is announced as President.

Watch the entire MSNBC interview to see Cohen’s dedication to Bernie’s campaign as a citizen while he is outside in the cold weather to protest Donald Trump. If you want to just watch his ice-cream idea explanation jump to 3:36: 

Featured image is a screenshot from this Youtube video.


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