‘Donald Trump Is Probably The Most Pro-Black Candidate’ Says ‘Fox And Friends’ Guest

This morning the great people at “Fox and Friends” gave us some more insight on how evil Democrats are. This time it came in the form of author Crystal Wright, aka, @GOPBlackChick. On the show to promote her new book, “Con Job: How Democrats Gave Us Crime,” Wright basically explained how the Democrat is killing off black Americans.

Screengrab from video.

Just minutes after she appeared on the show, “Fox and Friends” posted an edited video of Wright’s talking points to its Facebook page. In the clip, Wright makes some startling claims regarding the average Democrat by saying:

“Black people keep voting against their interests, and I would argue the Democrat party is literally killing black Americans, from the womb to the street…93-percent of all black homicides are committed by other black people, and you know the number one cause of death among young black men ages 15 to 34, guns…

Donald Trump is probably the most pro-black candidate, you know why I say that, because Hillary Clinton wants to support illegal immigration. You know what happens when we increase illegal immigration by 10-percent, blacks suffer by a decreased wage…Illegal immigration, there is no bigger enemy to black America.”

Now we have to start with Wright’s claim that, “the Democrat party is literally killing black Americans.” Especially when right underneath her, Fox has the words “Black Votes Matter.” Right under that it says, “Wright: Black Lives Don’t Matter To Democrats.” I’m not sure that Fox, or Wright for that matter, understands that if you kill the voter…they can’t vote.

Also, the statement regarding Hillary Clinton and immigration is nothing more than election time fear mongering. All that she is trying to accomplish with her claim is to create a divide between two cultures.

Lastly though, her claim that, “Donald Trump is probably the most pro-black candidate,” is just downright strategic posturing. I wonder how much she was paid for that line? Trump has shown time and time again that he is a racist bigot whose favorite color is green.

I would say that the amount of pathetic rhetoric that comes from Fox and its guests astounds me, but unfortunately it doesn’t anymore. Regardless, these things must still be reported on and fought against. If not, we might as well hand them the keys to the White House now.

Kristie is 22-years-old and resides in Nashville, TN. While reading is a passion, she also has a passion for writing. Reporting on social issues such as LGBT rights, racial injustices, and religious intolerance, she also has a vested interest in the current political climate in America.