Trump Proves His Military Knowledge By Trying To Lead The Wrong Army

Donald Trump has done it again! His bizarre claim of “saying it like it is” mixed with a downright disrespect for facts has made another idiotic campaign mistake. As Addicting Info noticed, he has once again used images of non-American military in his campaign.

This time Donald Trump used images of soldiers in a web ad, advertising his support of veteran’s issues. But the men pictured were clearly Communists, as the detail on their medals read “CCCP,” the Russian initials for USSR!

After he was called out for mixing up Communist and American veterans, the Trump campaign pulled the video. But the image remains on Twitter:

It’s not the first time Trump has tried to pass off foreign soldiers as Americans. In July, Trump tweeted out a photo of himself superimposed over the American flag with a photo of soldiers. The Guardian examined the picture and found it to be a picture of German Nazi soldiers: a closer look at this picture revealed the SS eagle logo on the side of their uniforms.

As astonishing a mistake as it may seem, Trump blamed it on a “young intern,” pulled the picture, and went on as if nothing had happened. Let’s see how many of these mistakes he can afford to accumulate, before his supporters wake up.

Featured Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr. Permission to use via Creative Commons.