No matter how you may feel about the subject of pornography–be it pro or con–I think most of us can agree that we don’t need legislation to deal with the issue. Unless, of course, you happen to be Utah GOP State Senator Todd Weiler, who says porn is more dangerous than cocaine.
Yes, he really said that.
Weiler said recently that he has proposed legislation which would declare pornography a “public health crisis” and a national epidemic:
“I have read books and I have experts tell me pornography is more difficult to overcome than cocaine.”
Ah yes, “experts.” Would those be people you paid to say what you wanted them to, Senator Weiler?
The real irony of this story is that Utah, which is known as staunchly conservative and the headquarters for the Mormon church, views more adult material online than any other state in the country.
Hoping to calm nervous residents of Utah, Weiler did declare that:
“We’re not going to outlaw masturbation in Utah.”
Only because he knows he cannot enforce such a law, and even if he could, he would quickly run out of prison space for those convicted of the crime.
As an added level of irony, it should be noted that Weiler is a divorce attorney, and he says he has seen addiction to porn destroy many families. Which begs the question: Is Weiler familiar with the expression, Cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face?
I also wonder how often Senator Weiler goes online to catch the latest offerings from the adult entertainment industry. Would he allow an independent agency to do a full scan of his personal computer?
Just when you think Republicans cannot get anymore fake pious and ridiculous, someone like Todd Weiler comes along.
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