WATCH: CNN Host Tells Cruz Supporter He’s Full Of S**t For Blaming The Media

Image Via JoeMyGod

Let’s go ahead and get this on the table right now: Ted Cruz is an enormous pile of fly infested human excrement who would sell his own mother for the chance to attain the White House. He will say or do anything you can imagine (and a few you can’t) to have his twitchy finger on the nuclear trigger.

Cruz’s tactic of telling supporters of Ben Carson on caucus night in Iowa that the retired doctor was dropping out of the 2016 campaign may well have helped the Texas Senator steal some votes. And when he was accused of doing that in the media, he fumed on CNN:

“Is it a dirty trick to pass on your news stories? You’re in the business! Would you think it was a dirty trick if I was forwarding an ABC story? Or is it just a dirty trick to pass on a CNN story?”

That’s what known as blaming the messenger, and Teddy Boy is a master of twisting the facts to suit his purposes.

So when CNN host Brooke Baldwin had a chance to interview one of Cruz’s surrogates, GOP Representative Mark Meadows, she told him:

“Just so we’re all crystal clear here, when Sen. Cruz, with all due respect, tries to throw my network under the bus, let me stand up for my colleagues and my journalists here in terms of this CNN report Cruz keeps quoting. We reported it accurately and here are the facts.”

But Baldwin wasn’t finished taking Congressman Meadows–and by extension Cruz himself–on while she had the chance:

“Dr. Carson’s staff told us that he would return home to Florida to, quote, unquote, take a breath from the campaign before resuming his activities on the campaign trail. That accurate report was disseminated on television and CNN digital and that was that. That was that.”

The Congressman tried desperately to steer the conversation away from what the Cruz team had done, but Baldwin finished him off with this perfect line:

“Congressman, forgive me, but I’m going to call out B.S. if I hear B.S. And that was B.S.”

Boom! That’s how you shut down bullshit: By calling it out and calling it by name.

Here’s The CNN Segment

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