Jeb Bush’s run for the presidency in 2016 has not gone well lately. Currently Jeb Bush is polling behind Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and even Ben Carson. Jeb Bush certainly still has some supporters, but even they can’t seem to muster very much excitement. In New Hampshire at the Hanover Inn Jeb Bush gave a speech with an extremely lackluster ending. After a short speech about the characteristics needed in a commander in chief Jeb Bush had to plead with the crowd for applause.

“So here’s my pledge to you: I will be a commander-in- chief who will have the back of the military. I won’t trash-talk. I won’t be a divider-in-chief or an agitator-in-chief. I won’t be out there blowharding, talking a big game without backing it up. I think the next President needs to be a lot quieter, but send a signal that we’re prepared to act in the national security interests of this country to get back in the business of creating a more peaceful world. Please clap.”

Watch the following video where Jeb Bush begs the audience for applause:

If your supporters cannot muster more excitement than that I doubt you are going to be our commander-in-chief, Jeb Bush. It is time to put away the Jeb! campaign for President 2016 lawn signs.

Featured Image: Flickr, available under a Creative Commons license.


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