Texas Governor Says Christian Crosses On Cop Cars Are A Great Idea

This is the cross used on the patrol cars: Image Via Patheos

Texas is a special and unique place, filled with some wonderful people who sometimes see the world from a perspective that is not easily explained to those outside of the Lone Star State.

And thanks to the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, Texas is and always will be a Christian state that proudly displays its religious preference on places such as police cars around the state.

In a brief Abbott has filed with the state attorney general’s office, Governor Abbott affirmed his insistence on the use of crosses if a government agency wishes to use them.

The brief from Abbott is in response to a sheriff’s office in Brewster County that has received a complaint about patrol cars with images of a Christian cross on them. Abbott writes that the crosses should remain:

“In addition to its religious significance, the cross has a long history in America and elsewhere as a symbol of service and sacrifice.”

What if a law enforcement officer happened to be an atheist, a Jew, or a Muslim? What about their service and sacrifice, Governor? Or are you also convinced that everyone loves seeing a cross simply because you do?

Abbott also argued the cross has been used at Arlington National Cemetery as a way to honor the sacrifice of members of the U.S. Armed Forces:

“The symbol of the cross appropriately conveys the solemn respect all Texans should have for the courage and sacrifice of our peace officers.”

But the Freedom From Religion Foundation disagrees, and noted in a statement:

“Whether it is a cross, a star and crescent, or a pentagram, law enforcement must remain neutral on matters of religion in order to foster public confidence in their impartiality.”

Featured Image by Flickr available under a Creative Commons license.