Glenn Beck: God Murdered Antonin Scalia To Put Ted Cruz In The White House (VIDEO)

Former emotionally unstable Fox News Talk show host and current apocalypse salesman extraordinaire, Glenn Beck, feels that there was a divine plan at work when former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died during a Texas hunting trip on Saturday.

Tuesday, during Beck’s absence, his co-host, Pat Gray stood in as a substitute on Beck’s syndicated radio show. Gray said he wondered why God didn’t allow Scalia to live long enough to see the result of this year’s election. That’s when, according to Right Wing Watch, Beck quickly called in to his show from the campaign trail with Texas Senator Ted Cruz, and explained that Scalia’s death was part of God’s plan to help Ted Cruz win the presidency in November.

Beck believes that Scalia’s death will serve as motivation for the American people to elect his candidate, as they would be faced with what he described as the “haunting reality” of a world without Scalia fighting for their liberty.

“I just woke the American people up,” Beck said, pretending to be the mind of God. “I took them out of the game show moment and woke enough of them up to say, ‘look at how close your liberty is to being lost. You now have lost your liberty. You replace one guy and you now have 5-4 decisions in the other direction. Just with this one guy, you’ve lost your liberty so you’d better elect somebody that is going to be somebody on [the court] because for the next 30 years, if you don’t, the Constitution as you know it [is gone].’”

“The Constitution is hanging by a thread!” he proclaimed, repeating a line he has used on the stump. “That thread has just been cut and the only way that we survive now is if we have a true constitutionalist.”

Here’s the video.

Meanwhile, be sure to check out Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders’ proposals on fixing our broken mental health system.

Featured image by Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.