Lying Ted Cruz? Trevor Noah of “The Daily Show” explained earlier this week why Ted Cruz is a liar:
“In a court that is often divided, having one extra vote can make all the difference, meaning just one person can be responsible for hugely significant changes in the law. And very often in the last 30 years, that person was Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away 10 days ago.”
Justice Antonin Scalia’s passing received major headlines in the news ever since, not the least because of Senate Republicans puzzling announcements that they will veto any nominee President Obama puts forward. Noah continues:
“As vague as the constitution is on so many things, it’s crystal clear on what’s supposed to happen now. The president HAS to nominate a Justice, and the Senate HAS to consider approving them.”
And with Senate Republicans vowing to block any nomination, that’s a dilemma. So, when Ted Cruz thinks this is a matter of policy, that during what he calls a “lame duck period,” we should not be confirming a Supreme Court Nomination, it’s basically not true. Or, as Noah puts it:
“You have to forgive Ted Cruz. He suffers from a mental condition called being a liar.”
Watch the episode where Trevor Noah calls Ted Cruz a liar here.
Featured Image by Mario Piperni via Flickr, available under a Creative Commons license.