Despite a promising start on social media and campaign funding in the millions, a brutal series of failures, mismanagement, and losses in the polls looks like it has finally spelled the end for Dr. Ben Carson’s Campaign. In a statement following his failure to win a single nomination so far in the Republican primaries, the Republican candidate has announced that he does not see a political path forward for his campaign. While stopped short of completely suspending his run, he did declare his intentions to skip the next Republican debate because of the primary results.

Carson’s campaign started off with a feasible, underdog’s chance at taking the White House with funding and signatures from fans flowing from across the nation. According to The Weekly Standard, a committee in favor of Carson:

“Had raised $13 million by the end of 2014, asks voters to sign a petition imploring Carson to run. The group sends between 3,000 and 6,000 signed petitions every week directly to Carson’s home in West Palm Beach, Florida, along with books Sousa believes Carson ‘ought to read.'”

Despite the standard’s faith in Carson’s solid chance back in early 2015, the candidate has failed to manage to win a single delegate in any state. Unfortunately for him, with the increasing media coverage of Trump and the rallying of Republicans behind more typical candidates such as Cruz or Rubio, it would be unlikely that he has any chance of rallying within the last weeks of the primaries.

In his statement, Carson assured his readers that just because the path appears to be gone, his days in politics are not coming to a close. The statement reads:

“However, this grassroots movement on behalf of ‘We the People'” will continue. Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to Saving America for Future Generations. We must not depart from our goals to restore what God and our Founders intended for this exceptional nation.”

It’s a short read, and Carson mentions that he will discuss the future of his political movement during his scheduled speech at  CPAC in Washington, DC this Friday.

You can read Dr. Carson’s entire statement on his website here.

Featured Image via Flikr by John Pemble, available under a Creative commons license.




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